Get The Best Deal Ever on Home HVAC, Air Conditioning or Heat Pump Replacement

Get the best deal ever on Energy Star home improvements and join hundreds of households in Birmingham, Huntsville and north Alabama enjoying affordable summer comfort in their homes, saving an average 20% on energy bills and up to $700 in AlabamaWISE rebates. Bundle these rebates with TVA Energy Right to save even more. Rebates are limited to 1000 households and over 800 have already been claimed.

A $350 rebate is available now for diagnostic testing of your home comfort systems to identify energy waste and recommend money-saving upgrades. This comprehensive home energy assessment evaluates your home as a system to identify what repairs will improve home performance for a healthy indoor environment and better comfort.

Participating AlabamaWISE contractors are certified home energy experts by the Building Performance Institute (BPI) in addition to trade specific certifications. This means they take a holistic approach to analyzing the home performance systems, including heating, cooling, ventilation, ducts, insulation, air sealing, windows, crawlspace, attic, appliances and water heating. They can spot which improvements will be most cost effective and offer the highest return on investment.

The AlabamaWISE program is available to homeowners in Cullman, Jefferson, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Morgan and Shelby counties. Homeowners in Madison County have the option of a super low-interest loan that can save thousands in financing costs in addition to energy savings. No appraisal is required and qualification is easy.

AlabamaWISE is a community energy program of Nexus Energy Center to help homeowners reduce energy waste. We represent the best home improvement contractors in north Alabama to protect homeowners from rip-off by verifying work standards and quality.

You can get started today in three easy steps:

  1. SCORE your current home energy use to estimate savings potential.
  2. FINANCE by applying for the AlabamaWISE low interest loan if needed
  3. IMPROVE your home by selecting a BPI certified contractor for a home performance assessment

We are here to help. Call the AlabamaWISE program at 256-539-6223.

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