May, 2014 Message from the Executive Director:

May 1, 2014nexuslong_text_website header

A note from the Director-

Dear Nexus Supporters,

As the weather became milder, Nexus took the time to focus on growing our capabilities and bringing our energy efficiency programs, like AlabamaWISE and BusinessWISE all across Alabama.

AlabamaWISE has some great features that energy efficiency enthusiasts are appreciating like: Home Performance with Energy Star, Low-interest financing, Quality Assurance checks, and Home Performance Score. Furthermore, the website, , teaches homeowners about common energy issues in the home and connects you to quality contractors in our program. We even have an “Ask AlabamaWISE” Live Chat feature, so send check it out and ask all your questions. Nexus has made it super easy to learn about energy efficiency and start SAVING ENERGY to be more happy and comfortable in your house.

The BusinessWISE program is growing as well.  Many local businesses are seeking assistance from Nexus to learn why their utility costs are high and get guidance on next steps to start saving.  Nexus acts as the energy manager for many of these small businesses and they appreciate having an advocate in their corner.  If you or some business you know is in need of reducing wasted operating costs, have them contact Nexus, , to learn more about BusinessWISE.

Finally I’d like to welcome our newest Nexus staff member, Anne-Marie Whatley.  She will be our Marketing Coordinator and will bring great energy to our group.  You will be meeting her at our upcoming membership meetings and all across town as she looks to make Nexus a household name.  Our first annual Champions of Energy at the Lucky Duck Days at the Lumberyard will be taking place October 17-19 and Anne-Marie will be making it a very successful event – with your help.

We participated in some great events during this Earth Month:

April 12, Hays Nature Preserve Earth Day Celebration.  On a beautiful Saturday, Nexus and several other “green” organizations and vendors gathered at Hays Nature Preserve to educate the community about their environmental impact and how they can make a positive impact. Attendance was spectacular and we met lots of companies that we want to continue working with.

April 15, Energy Huntsville Meeting.  Nexus Energy Kiosk Unveiling. Nexus Energy Center donated a museum piece to the Space and Rocket Center at the monthly Energy Huntsville meeting. This museum kiosk is displayed at the lobby of the Davidson center and is four-sided to really teach kids and adults four important topics: 1) WHERE – does power come from, 2) SAVE – how can you conserve and be efficient, 3) GREEN- what are alternative and conventional ways of making power, and 4) FOOTPRINT – find out your footprint based on your life choices. Go check it out, .

April 24, Toyota Energy Efficiency Day.  Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Alabama has an annual event where they bring partners to their facility to share energy saving tips and opportunities. Nexus has participated in this event for two years and we love engaging with the TMMAL employees and letting them know about AlabamaWISE and other Nexus efforts.

Until next month,


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