Energy Savers: Energy Efficient House

We all have a “dream” house in mind before actually making it a reality. We think about the size, the location, how many rooms, the color of the door, you name it. We think about every little detail regarding the place we will spend our lives. One thing we usually don’t think about is if and how energy efficient of a home we are designing.

Unfortunately, most of the houses in America are not at all energy efficient, and because it is not an option to rebuild them from scratch, there is always the easier option of remodeling.
At the beginning an energy-saving remodel might seem like a daunting idea, because it is more expensive than a regular remodel, but long-term you will end up saving money and energy.

When you decide that you want to take action and recreate an energy efficient and environmentally friendly house, the first step is to perform a house audit to find out which ways your existing home uses energy.  Most importantly, determine how much energy it consumes in general (how high is your home’s energy score?), in order to determine how to cut energy and costs.

The most common things replaced after an audit with a more energy efficient alternative are: appliances and home electronics, the heating and cooling system, water heaters and windows, doors, and skylights. Also, insulation and air sealing, as well as lighting, are also reconsidered. By doing all of the above you can have an ultra-efficient home.
This summer we want you all to try and have an ultra-efficient home that will help you make a positive impact on our planet


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